What is Social Security Disability

Made up of two programs, Social Security Disability Insurance SSDI and Supplemental Security Income SSI, Social Security Disability is designed to protect individuals and their families from income loss when a disability interferes with one’s capacity to work. SSDI is for people who have already been contributing to the system as working individual in recent years. SSI is reserved for financially needy persons.

Social Security Disability Law

How a Columbus Social Security Disability Attorney Can Help

During a time as stressful as dealing with a work inhibiting condition, you should not have to be overwhelmed by the intricacies of the Social Security Administration’s regulations. The SSA has very strict and specific requirements to weed out applicants, making the process difficult to navigate without experience. An attorney who has dedicated their career to helping clients acquire benefits is well versed in the process and can make your experience easier.

If you have been denied benefits, it is tricky and frustrating to discern why. This is where we come in. At Hoglund Law, we understand the details the SSA looks for in an application and we can pinpoint weaknesses in your application. An attorney can help you build a stronger application before you appeal your case.

To gain a better understanding of your case, schedule a free case evaluation with Hoglund Law in Columbus.

Who Qualifies for Social Security Disability

Qualifying for Social Security Disability is possible in two ways. You may either prove you are incapable of performing substantial gainful activity or you can meet the criteria attached to your given condition as determined by the SSA. The former is a far more common option because the criteria set by the SSA is narrowly defined and hard to reach.

A non-exhaustive list of qualifying conditions with criteria released by the SSA includes cancer, anxiety, depression, cardiovascular conditions, lupus, and dermatitis. To look at a more complete list of conditions and their requirements, click here.

Why Are People Denied Social Security Disability

Reasons for denial are expansive yet largely solvable in many cases. For varying reasons, the majority of applications are denied upon initial filing. Some issues can be quickly reversed by adding medical evidence to the file and appealing the decisions. However, that is not always the case.

If drug or alcohol use contributes to your condition, you have a previous conviction, you have participated in fraudulent activity, or you refuse to cooperate with the SSA, you probably will be denied.

If you aren’t sure how these regulations will impact your chances of approval, contact Hoglund Law in Columbus to gain insight into your case.

Have You Been Denied SSDI / SSI?

If you have been denied SSDI or SSI, do not panic and give up hope that you are a qualified individual deserving of benefits. Many people are initially denied benefits simply because they do not know what the SSA is looking for in an application, adequate medical records were not added to your file, or the SSA did not gain a complete picture of how your condition impacts your ability to work.

Following denial, it is time to turn to a trusted attorney to help guide you through appealing the decision. At an appeal hearing, you will have the opportunity to introduce new evidence, cross examine witnesses, and make legal arguments for your case. The hearing is made easier and more efficient with the help of an experienced attorney. Due to deep expertise and decades of experience, our team of Social Security Disability attorneys are prepared to maximize your chances of winning your case.

Hoglund & Mrozik P.L.L.C. - Columbus, OH

(614) 347-9490

How to apply for Social Security Benefits in Columbus

How to Apply for Social Security Disability in Cincinnati
There are three ways in which you can apply for Social Security Disability: over the phone, online, or in-person. To apply in person, you need to visit your local Social Security Disability office—which, for those living in Cincinnati, is located at 550 Main St, Cincinnati, OH 45202.

To apply you will need to gather relevant information that will assist the Social Security Administration in determining whether you qualify for benefits. An employment history ranging back fifteen years is required to allow the SSA to easily determine whether you are still capable of working in the jobs you’ve already had, while your medical information—including a full account of the clinics, doctors, and hospitals you’ve visited as well as any prescription medication you’ve taken in pursuit of treating your condition—will give the SSA a fuller picture of how your condition affects you.

Your Local Social Security Office

US Social Security Administration

Address: 200 N High St, Columbus, OH 43215

Toll Free Social Security Office:
Phone: 1 (800) 772-1213 or TTY: 1 (800) 325-0778


Social Security Office Hours

Monday 9:00am – 4:00pm
Tuesday 9:00am – 4:00pm
Wednesday 9:00am – 12:00pm
Thursday 9:00am – 4:00pm
Friday 9:00am – 4:00pm
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Closed on Federal Holidays.

About Columbus, OH

No matter the season, this state capital is constantly innovating and displaying its persistent energy. Because this metropolis is so inventive and always on the cusp of the next great thing, visiting Columbus ensures you leave having been exposed to something undiscovered, may that be your new favorite food or a rising contemporary artist.

Columbus offers a multitude of spaces to explore, so many that even locals haven’t discovered them all. From dive bars to coffee shops, the downtown area will surely supply you with the perfect beverage to complement your day of exploration. Arguably the best asset of the city is its capacity to seem like a completely different destination each time you visit.

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