
Hoglund Law

Hepatitis refers to an inflammatory condition of the liver. It’s commonly caused by a viral infection, but there are other possible causes of hepatitis. These include autoimmune hepatitis and hepatitis that occurs as a secondary result of medications, drugs, toxins, and alcohol.

Ischemic Heart Disease

Hoglund Law

Ischemic means that an organ (e.g., the heart) is not getting enough blood and oxygen. Ischemic heart disease, also called coronary heart disease (CHD) or coronary artery disease, is the term given to heart problems caused by narrowed heart (coronary) arteries that supply blood to the heart muscle.

Kidney Transplant

Hoglund Law

Kidney transplantation or renal transplantation is the organ transplant of a kidney into a patient with end-stage kidney disease. Kidney transplantation is typically classified as deceased-donor or living-donor transplantation depending on the source of the donor organ.

Liver Transplants

Hoglund Law

A liver transplant is a surgical procedure that removes a liver that no longer functions properly (liver failure) and replaces it with a healthy liver from a deceased donor or a portion of a healthy liver from a living donor.

Low IQ, Borderline Intellectual

Hoglund Law

Borderline intellectual functioning, also called borderline mental retardation (in the ICD-8), is a categorization of intelligence wherein a person has below average cognitive ability (generally an IQ of 70–85), but the deficit is not as severe as intellectual disability (below 70).

Lung Disease

Hoglund Law

Lung disease refers to disorders that affect the lungs, the organs that allow us to breathe. Breathing problems caused by lung disease may prevent the body from getting enough oxygen. Examples of lung diseases are: Asthma, chronic bronchitis, and emphysema. Infections, such as influenza and pneumonia


Hoglund Law

Lupus is a long-term autoimmune disease in which the body’s immune system becomes hyperactive and attacks normal, healthy tissue. Symptoms include inflammation, swelling, and damage to the joints, skin, kidneys, blood, heart, and lungs.


Hoglund Law

In normal blood work panels there are multiple elements in the blood that are tested. Some of the more common elements are white blood cells, red blood cells, hemoglobin, and platelet levels. However, the lesser known elements on the blood work panel are MCH, MCHC and MPV. This blog will cover the meaning of MCH, MCHC and MPV.

Mental Disorders

Hoglund Law

Common mental disorders include depression, which affects about 300 million, bipolar disorder, which affects about 60 million, dementia, which affects about 50 million, and schizophrenia and other psychoses, which affects about 23 million people globally.